Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer

Water sports Aalsmeer: Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer

Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer

Water-skiing is a water sport in Aalsmeer that you - like many other water sports - can practice on the Westeinderplassen. A water sports paradise in our flower village on the water! The home of the Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer is Surf Island. From here you fly past the Watertoren, over the fresh water on a pair of water-skis.

Water-skiing: is this the water sport in Aalsmeer for you?

Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer was founded in 1977 and is open until sunset, every Wednesday evening – and some Sundays – during the water sports season. Qualified instructors give the lessons. Not a member of the club? No problem, because you can try it first to see if water-skiing is the water sport for you in Aalsmeer.

Water-skiing Club Aalsmeer uses special WSVA coins, which you hand over to the (co) pilot of the boat you will be skiing, riding or boarding behind. A coin is good for one round of 10 to 15 minutes. The cost of a WSVA coin is €12 for adults and €10 for children up to the age of 16. On busy evenings you may have to wait a while before it is your turn, but that is not hard to do on the beautifully situated Surf Island. You can have something to eat or drink at the clubhouse while looking out at all the activity on the water.